Friday, February 28, 2014

Plenty in West End

284 Montague Rd, West End

I've always been a fan of the West End dining scene but in some regard, it's sort of tiresome because I do mean I've always been a fan... since my prepubescent days. As such, most of the spots around here are tried and true rather than groundbreaking. When I do read about a new venue that also happens to be in my neck of the woods, it's doubly exciting. Even more so when it's walking distance from my nest.

I read about Plenty on The Urban List but it took me a while to piece together that it was literally down the road. I drive past at least 4 x a week and one of those times, I looked up and thought "hey, that's that cafe I read about!" One Saturday morning, I woke up early and there was no prospect of Marc getting up so I decided to go for a stroll.

Plenty is a lot bigger than I first gathered from driving past. There are a few tables outside but there's much more action inside the ample-spaced building. There's a large counter slash open kitchen around which there are an assortment of tables and chairs. At the back of the building is a separate room with long dining table. I heard someone mention 'upstairs' too but I haven't yet investigated.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Peel Street Kitchen for Dinner

Peel Street Kitchen

Continuing on with my theme of online coupon shopping, I was thrilled when I found an offer for Peel Street Kitchen. The excitement stems from the fact that Marc used to live right around the corner from Peel Street and even though it's no longer a neighbouring building, it still sorta feels that way. The new kid on the block, so to speak.

I made a booking for Monday night this week and remind me to never organize dinners out on Monday ever again. It's the most unromantic night of the week and we both had work/tonnes of other things to do so it felt stressful to have to go out rather than nice and fun. Luckily, our dinner itself more than made up for this.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pawpaw Cafe for Lunch

Pawpaw Cafe
898 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba

I'm developing a theory that friendship ismay be built on rituals. The daily texts. The weekly coffee sessions. The monthly girls night out drinks. Or, in mine and Nina's case, the brunch/lunch dates in one of Brissie's best whenever she's in town. Ever since my most faithful dining buddies have decided to move on to other parts of Australia (Mochi, I'm looking at you :p), I'm finding it more and more difficult to bother checking out new places. I can't drag Marc up that early and while I used to find motivation to visit cafes alone, I seem to have (at least currently) lost that drive.

Nina's trips back home have become something I really look forward to. I gave her a list of cafes I wanted to try and she selected Paw Paw, based on their menu. I've been to Green Papaya many years ago and Pawpaw is the casual, cafe project by the same people. I parked down the street but then discovered they had a parking lot adjacent to the building. It was easy to find street parking anyway.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The most magical thing has happened...

I might just start believing in miracles.

After I got back home from a 3 month trip in Europe (May-Sept 2013), I accidentally reset the iPhone I'd been using to take all my holiday snaps and subsequently lost ALL MY PHOTOS.

Yes. It was devastating. I had actually drafted tonnes of country-specific food posts to publish on this blog but without the corresponding photos, there was no story. Needless to say I felt like a huge booboo.

I've had nothing but bad luck (stemming from irresponsibility, I admit) with the new phone since, resulting in not one but TWO new phone swaps at Apple. The most recent replacement was just received yesterday.

Somehow, stumbling around with the settings, I discovered a lost iCloud backup from right after I got home from Europe. Fingers crossed nothing goes wrong but AS I TYPE, Europe photos from Switzerland onwards are downloading onto the phone.

I still don't have anything from our Shanghai and UK dining escapades (which sadly involve Heston's Dinner and Lobster & Burger, both of which I enjoyed immensely and wish I could share) because I had yet another phone incident in France (gypsy theft) but that's a whole other story.

Hopefully, after x hours of downloads, I can FINALLY document my European food travels. Marc and I ate so much on our trip. Even though we were active and incorporated many hiking trails, I put on 5kg. And I don't even regret it! We did a number of food tours and cooking excursions too. I can't wait to share our experiences with you guys, 5 months after the fact.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tibetan Kitchen for Dinner

Tibetan Kitchen

I recall the first time I saw a Tibetan Kitchen (in Fortitude Valley), I was 16-17 years old, completely unworldly and couldn't believe how exotic that sounded. Even in 2014, Tibetan and Nepalese cuisine is hardly widespread. I have tried a few different restaurants offering this style of food and would describe the flavours as a cross between Indian and maybe Thai. Since Indian and Thai are two of the most popular styles of food in Australia, I'm surprised not more people are jumping onto Tibetan fare.

Recently, I found an online coupon to try three courses at the Tibetan Kitchen in West End. Marc and I actually ordered takeaway from them on one of the first nights we were living in our new place. It was a messy ordeal eating runny curry dishes with hardly any cutlery and no tables or chairs. We sat on milk crates and ate off beer cartons. Despite all that, the food left a good impression on me so I was looking forward to tasting it again in a nice, restaurant environment.