Tuesday, May 27, 2014

But wait... What about Europe?

Dedicated readers of this blog might be asking some fair questions:

"Didn't she go to Europe at some point?"
"Wasn't she away for like, a really long time?"
"Wasn't there talk about some Europe food posts?

Ok, I can explain...

Me in Venice; proof that I actually did go to Europe :p

Marc and I spent 3 months travelling between May-September 2013. Actually, today marks exactly 1 year since we took off. Needless to say, I'm feeling quite gloomy at the moment thinking about how excited I was this time last year.

Why is it taking so long to get some posts up? Firstly, the scope of this whole exercise is daunting. We crossed 14 countries in total and mostly all we did was eat. Add to that the numerous food tours, restaurant experiences and cooking classes I plan to review and it just seems like a LOT of work. I suspect I could have gotten through it by the momentum of the trip alone if it wasn't for a series of unfortunate occurences.
Hyde Park in sunny London

I lost my camera in Shanghai but that was no biggie because I was hardly using it for photos anyway. To this day, I still don't know where exactly it was lost. I then had my iPhone stolen in Paris (beware gypsies, especially kids). This was a pain because I use my phone for EVERYTHING. I ended up getting compensated through travel insurance but that doesn't make up for the fact that I lost all my photos prior to France. Luckily this was relatively at the start of our trip but I still lost photos for some places I really wanted to blog about including Heston's restaurant Dinner in London, some awesome menuless cocktail bars in Singapore and a restaurant in Shanghai that had mushrooms growing from the wall.


I recovered from this loss and luckily had an old back up iPhone that I used for the rest of the trip. But now comes the face palm moment...

When I got back to Australia, one of the first things I did was get a new iPhone. I had just come to the end of one phone plan and was able to get a fresh phone on the new plan. That's all well and good but in the process of changing sims around and doing goodness knows what with the phones I had on hand, I managed to format the phone I was using in Europe. Yup, that means I accidentally deleted all my photos.

I wanted to kill myself.

No really, this was very upsetting.

Can you see why I couldn't bring myself to blog anything? Not to mention that I had no photos to upload bar some crappy resolution Instagram snaps.

Wine and food pairing lesson in Bordeaux, France

A couple of months had passed when something happened and I put up THIS post. Now, I don't know how iCloud works and I'm not going to question anything but when I was looking for backup files on iTunes, there was a file that had most of my Europe photos!! It was like a gift from the heavens. And again, I won't try to understand the technicalities of it but I didn't recover ALL my photos but I guess there are 80% on there, which is definitely enough to use for my posts. I still don't have the ones from the stolen iPhone but hey, beggers can't be choosers.

Cinque Terre, Italy

Because of this emotional rollercoaster, I haven't really been able to bring myself to go back to the task of sorting through photos and organising posts. My plan was to save all that for when I'm in recovery mode after surgery (elective surgery). This procedure was supposed to happen around the end of last year but has dragged out and now finally, I'm booked in for the end of June. So very soon, I know I'm going to have at least 4 weeks of lying around in bed feeling sorry for myself and that will be the perfect opportunity to fix up my Europe posts. I don't think this huge delay in writing will matter much because most of my posts will be about the food in each country, rather than restaurant reviews that could be out of date.

Thank you for your patience guys; Europe will be coming soon to Hungry Kittens :).

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