500 Boundary Street, Spring Hill
Sisco made it onto my radar via all my favorite online food sources. One moment, I didn't even know it existed and next, it was featured on plenty of Urban List articles and Urbanspoon blogger reviews. I always think of Spring Hill as being really easy to get to so one day, when I had a bunch of appointments in the city, I figured I would start the day with a nice breakfast at Sisco before strolling back to the CBD. It ended up being quite a long walk! I welcome long walks before and after meals though. In truth the calories burnt are probably only equal to half a cup of coffee but it still serves to reduce guilt and enhance enjoyment of meals.
The shop front is small but cute and inviting with bare walls and floor, and an assortment of mismatched furniture. I took up a corner table inside and started perusing the menu.
The item that instantly caught my eye was the brioche cinnamon toast. I used to be such a sweet tooth but after my short-lived stint of trying to cut sugar/fructose, I find myself craving savory items more and ignoring things like pancakes and waffles on breakfast menus. Something about the cinnamon toast tweaked my fancies and I had to order it.
My coffee was a latte. It was a cold and drizzly morning and I was grateful for the warmth of the coffee. Weekend coffees are something I've always appreciated but this was a Friday and it's not often I have the luxury of being out at a cafe on a weekday morning.
Cinnamon brioche - with mascarpone, honeyed almonds and stone fruit
The toast was unbelievable. I thought it sounded good when I read it on the menu but even so, the actual combination of tastes and textures worked much better than I thought. There was the lightly spicy and sweet brioche toast itself, which was already good.
Cut shot of toast
Add on the generous topping of ricotta with sticky honeyed amonds (also giving crunch) and sweet, juicy, fresh stone fruit... absolute bliss. I think I'm a veteran at eating breakfast out and it takes something brilliant to surprise and impress me. This certainly hit the mark. I normally keep to myself during solo meals, reserving feedback both positive or negative for this blog, but on this occasion, I couldn't help myself. I exclaimed to the waitress "that toast was so good!!!"
Cinnamon, berry and almond muffin
I picked up a takeaway muffin for Marc on my way out. It was fresh off the tray and the muffin flavor of the day was cinnamon, berry and almonds, which is in the same vein of flavor combination that I had for breakfast. As the dedicated food blogger that I am, I knew I had to take a photo of it before I gave it away to be devoured so I actually stopped en route from Spring Hill to Queen Street and parked it on a bench to take a photo. I did get some curious looks from people walking past. Marc said he liked it and that it had a nice and crunchy crust.
Needless to say I loved it at Sisco. It was a gorgeous and comfortable cafe environment and the staff were so lovely. Not only that, I had one of the best breakfast meals of my life. I can't wait to go back and try their other menu items.

i used to stay around the corner from here, a pity i never got to try it out before i left!