Alright... so, I do like uni. That aside, my classmates and I were all in for a treat last week when a power failure meant we had 2 days off. To say we were pleased with this outcome is just about the greatest understatement of the year. When we heard the news, my girlfriends and I milled about for a while debating the most appropriate way to celebrate.
We decided to go to the coast. A bit of an adventure was had along the way... long story short, I was locked out of my house and ended up climbing in through the kitchen window. After a very brief moment of absolute joy, I realized I was locked out of my actual room too (I live in a sharehouse by the way). We ended up fishing my keys out of my bag by means of perching on the outside stair railing.
After finally getting to the coast we lost all sight of what to do there. It was raining and gloomy so the beach seemed inappropriate. But once you've taken the pains of driving down to the water, it's a bit of a waste to say, go see a movie, check out generic chain stores or eat at KFC.
We made the most of our proximity to the ocean by selecting a nice seafood market. My foodie friend recommended Charis Seafood market (although she had conveniently forgotten what it was called and tried to Google 'pelican seafood coast' on her iPhone for a mysterious reason unknown to all others).
(I'm trying to find ways of starting paragraphs without using 'we'. I fail...)
We got to Charis in the end and I was first and foremost impressed with the size of the market. The left of the building is where you order cooked seafood to eat (burgers, fish and chips etc). On the right is a large room with displays of fresh seafood to purchase.
After an executive decision made to NOT get fish and chips (in hindsight, perhaps a shonky decision), my friend bought a half kilo of cooked prawns to share.
I've never been much of a prawn fan before. Especially plain, cooked prawns. They just seemed bland and boring, not to mention resembling little ocean insects (sorry, I have a graphic imagination).
These ones knocked my socks off. They were huge, succulent and sweet. Absolutely wonderful with the cocktail dipping sauce. We all agreed that these were fabulous prawns.
Although our trip to the coast was spontaneous and at times, without direction, one of my favorite moments was munching on the prawns outside Charis with the weather moody and heavy all around us.
yummm i went again on saturday i think... and they had oysters that time and we saw the pelicans!!! they were feeding them on the other side!