Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spag bol production line

Spaghetti for the masses
Home Cooking

You know how sometimes you come up with some radical idea (e.g. Kramer in Seinfeld suggesting a restaurant that sells only peanut butter and jelly) but they fizzle out of existence when your sensibility kicks in? Byron decided on a whim to cook a giant vat of spaghetti, justifying this strange desire by saying that once frozen, he'd have an ongoing supply of emergency food.

I sort of expected that a) the urge would die or b) the pasta venture would end up 'normal-sized'.

And then, I see this:


Larder contents:

  • 3 trays of mince
  • 4 large tins of tomato
  • 4 large jars of pasta sauce
  • bag of carrots
  • onions
  • tomatoes
  • pasta
  • capsicum
  • a few stacks of takeaway containers
Bolognaise creation was underway. I'm not sure if I should actually include some kind of recipe because it's unlikely there are many out there who wish to embark on a creation of similar proportions. If anyone requests, I'll gladly make amends.

I was delegated a few menial tasks. Some (e.g. ladling sauce into the containers), I managed with success. Other tasks earnt me a telling off such as the fact that my carrot chopping didn't result in 'small cubes' as requested.


There weren't many stumbles along the way (carrot size notwithstanding) but at some stage, I heard of a report "there's a problem with the pasta". Basically, the saucepan chosen was insufficient in volume which meant the pasta on the bottom was cooked but the pasta on the top resembled matted-together plastic. Portions of pasta were creatively repositioned using a combination of: strainer, ladle and 4L ice-cream container.

Once the sauce and pasta were cooked, we commenced the process of filling the containers.

Fruits of labor:

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