After our meal at Dumplings Plus, we were wandering around with the intention of finding dessert and drinks (preferably a combination of both). Because that specific request was not met with, and because we became tired/lazy, we settled for dessert. Andrew recommended either Max Brenner or San Churro. As we now have Max Brenner in Queensland, there was no way I was going for the former at the expense of trying something new. This is true food blogger dedication as I secretly would have loved a Max Brenner waffle.
Admission from self: I never had churros before.
They always called out to me at the market/Ekka and so forth but somehow, fate dictated that my first churro wouldn't be until this trip to Melbourne.
First, a few points about the store. I see from the website that it's a franchise. I went to the one on Swanston St and from memory, I do recall another San Churro on Lygon St. As with most of these brand-name food outlets, there's not much point in assessing the decor/ambiance... it was trendy and clean. That is all.
I ordered a single serve of churros which comes with a little vial of molten chocolate. I was told they taste like donuts. Wrong. Well... maybe? Like a cross between donut and soy crisp. No way is that a bad thing.
Plain might be boring but with the addition of chocolate, these are a win. Then again, so are many things after being coated with chocolate.
Kat and Andrew ordered the premium chocolate shakes. One was just a chocolate and the other was a chocolate + banana combination (sorry but I forgot the fancy names). Didn't try the chocolate but the banana one was kinda meh.
It tasted... 'healthy'? Which is great if you're going to an organic cafe or something but I expect these places to be more indulgent. By healthy, I mean bland and sugarless. Come on, that is not fitting of a 'premium chocolate shake'.
We had water (subtly flavored with lemon) but that was taken away for a reason we didn't understand (accented waitstaff). Because it was getting late, everyone seemed to be cleaning around us so we quickly took the hint and left. Verdict? Churros work for me. And with molten chocolate, even more so.
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