Home Cooking
As the title suggests, I basically modified a recipe from "The Perfect Scoop" that was intended for creating ice-cream cones. I wanted wafer rolls and reasoned with myself that wafers and ice-cream cones are initially the same thing. After some researching online, I concluded that yes, there are mostly similar ingredients so I'll do it.
VERY UNFORTUNATELY that I don't have a photo of the final outcome. I actually DID take photos and had one all edited and ready to upload. I've lost it... and by the time I racked up enough effort to take more, they were all gone. I didn't want too many posts with no photos in the opening so that's why there's a pointless pic of my kitchen mixer (favorite device ever... exceeding my mobile phone in usefulness these holidays) and the cup of tea I'm drinking RIGHT NOW. It's Ceylon in fact. Brand is Twinnings.
I'll be upfront and tell you that these turned out different to what I expected but at no fault of the recipe itself. They did turn out tasting like ice-cream cones. This in fact jotted my memory and I now realize that ice-cream cones and wafers are very different in texture and taste.
I suggest you use this recipe for making ice-cream cones if you have a rolling mold or a specialized machine. The waffle, once it came out of the oven, was too difficult for me to manipulate by hand so I think you're better off having some equipment ready to help you out. Having said that, it might be easier for you anyway if you take my advice and very THINLY spread out the mixture. Mine was waaaayyy too thick in places creating a sort of cookie-consistency. The thin areas were lovely and crunchy and very reminiscent of true ice-cream waffle cones.
My modification of the recipe is that I added cocoa powder to make them chocolate. This worked out well in terms of flavor but because of the darkness in color, I couldn't really tell when the waffle was ready. I may have over or under cooked it, again affecting its pliability.
Ice-cream Cones
Makes 6 cones (I just spread the mix out onto a tray to make wafer sticks)
- 1/4 cup (60ml) egg whites (about 2 large egg whites)
- 7 tbsp (85g) sugar
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 2/3 cup (90g) flour
- 2 tbsp (30g) unsalted butter, melted
- 2 heaped teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa [optional - for chocolate waffle cones]
1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius
2. In a small mixing bowl, stir together the egg whites, sugar and vanilla. Stir in the salt and half of the flour. Mix in the melted butter and then, beat in the rest of the flour until smooth.
4. Bake for 10-15min. If you didn't use cocoa, you're looking for the mixture to turn a deep golden brown (lighter and darker spots are inevitable).
5. Remove baking sheet from oven and use a thin metal spatula to loosen the edges. If making cones, quickly flip over your circles and immediately roll it around the cone-rolling form, pressing the seam firmly on the counter to close the cone and pinching the bottom to securely close it.
6. Let the cone cool slightly on the mold until it feels firm. Then, slide it off and let it cool. Roll the other cones in the same way (if they become too firm, return the baking sheet to the oven for a min or 2 until they become pliable again).
I didn't bother with rolling mine. Instead, I cut the large waffle piece into fingers. There were places where it was thin and had cooked nice and crisp. Ironically, these areas crumbled when I applied the knife so the neat fingers are the bits that are too soft and the jagged pieces are the tastier bits.
I wouldn't call my application of this recipe a complete success but I'm sure that if you follow the recipe more carefully, you'll get a better result. Even though my end result doesn't look good, the crispy bits tasted so yum and I plonked them in my Ultimate Sundae.
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